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(Last Updated: 3 September 2010)


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This is an unusual series in that it wasn’t really created by Enid Blyton at all. Two of Blyton’s one-off novels were translated into German and combined into a single series. An additional twelve all-new stories were then written by a German author or authors. The main characters in this series are Tina Greiling, her friend Tini Paulsen and her brother Tobbi Greiling. The entire series of 14 books is listed below. According to this German Wikipedia article, they were written by Rosemarie Eitzert, who also uses the pseudonyms Rosemarie von Schach and Tina Caspari.


No.: 1

German Title: Tina und Tini finden den geheimnisvollen Schatz (Literal Translation: Tina and Tini Find the Mysterious Treasure

Original English Title: The Treasure Hunters


No: 2

German Title: Tina und Tini stehen vor neue Rätseln (Literal Translation: Tina and Tini Are Faced with New Mysteries)

Original English Title: The Boy Next Door


No.: 3

Title: Tina und Tini überlisten den Meisterdieb (Literal Translation: Tina and Tini Outwit the Master Thief)

Year of First Publication: 1976

Possible Original English Title: The Pole Star Family (thanks to Wolfgang Walter for this info)


No.: 4

Title: Tina und Tini und das Geheimnis des schwarzen Hundes (Literal Translation: Tina and Tini and the Mystery of the Black Dog)

Year of First Publication: 1976 or 1977


No.: 5

Title: Die geheimnisvolle Rumpelkammer (Literal Translation: The Mysterious Boxroom)

Year of First Publication: 1977


No.: 6

Title: Der Geheimnis des Gärtners (Literal Translation: The Mystery of the Gardener or The Gardener’s Secret

Year of First Publication: c. 1977


No.: 7

Title: Tina und Tini entlarven die Tigerbande (Literal Translation: Tina and Tini Unmask the Tiger Gang)

Year of First Publication: 1978


No.: 8

Title: Das Rätsel der Marzipantorte (Literal Translation: The Mystery of the Marzipan Cake)

Year of First Publication: c. 1979


No.: 9

Title: Geisterstimmen im Park (Literal Translation: Ghostly Voices in the Park)

Year of First Publication: c. 1980


No.: 10

Title: Tina und Tini und die spanischen Zwillinge (Literal Translation: Tina and Tini and the Spanish Twins)

Year of First Publication: c. 1981


No.: 11

Title: Tina und Tini und der unheimliche Strandwächter (Literal Translation: Tina and Tini and the Strange Lifeguard)

Year of First Publication: 1982


No.: 12

Title: Tina und Tini und die Spuren im Schnee (Literal Translation: Tina and Tini and the Tracks in the Snow)

Year of First Publication: c. 1983


No.: 13

Title: Die geheimnisvolle Diebesbande (Literal Translation: The Mysterious Gang of Thieves)

Year of First Publication: c. 1984


No.: 14

Title: Das Geheimnis der gelbroten Spinne (Literal Translation: The Mystery of the Yellow and Red Spider)

Year of First Publication: 1985



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